a measure of distance is a collection of transcriptions, essays, poems, and short stories written by Maria Paris. They are a series of exercises on translating how it feels to exist in-between. This task became impossible because this feeling does not belong to any language. It can’t be precisely named within the limits of one tongue as it exists only in the place where one language turns into another.
English and Spanish
Softcover with perfect binding
attempt is an independent publishing project founded by Camilo Garcia and Maria Paris. Attempt is an intuitive platform for visual and written language in which we work in close collaboration with artists, writers and designers. Each publication has its own physicalities, paces and form of distribution as our main goal is to move away from the idea of a single and definite end product as the holder of value, thinking on the act of publishing to be elastic, revisited, and ever changing.
If you want to collaborate with us, say hi or adquire one of our publications contact us, we'll be happy to hear from you.